The female health has been our priority since the very start of the pharmacy. We break the usual league to create extraordinary.
There should be a complete and vigilant checking for the venereal disease. It may exist in any of the partners or in both of them. It is a disease, which generally is transmitted by the affected person to the another who does intercourse with the former. Generally prostitutes pass on this disease to the man concerned. And from him it automatically transferred to the wife. Venereal diseases are very much harmful. These weaken the sexual potency as well as affect the process of intercourse. Immediately after the symptoms are observed the treatment should be taken from a competent physician. The blood examination is very necessary after the treatment is completed.
Changes in blood due to VD
Those who suffer from Gonorrhoea or syphilis and have not taken pains to treat themselves adequately must be prepared to experience all forms of obstructions not only in the treatment of disease in the general but also in the maintaining good health.
According to the medical authorities venereal poison remains active for several year in the body and therefore person who might have contracted it means preserves it in the process of purification for a number of years even though a systematic medical treatment may had been undergone in earlier years. The patients should not have a sense of false security and assume that because they do not see any particular sign of these diseases, they are assuredly sound. We do not wish to frighten people, but it is a grim fact.
This is one of the most dangerous diseases and is the result of having intercourse with the prostitute and girl of bad character. The main symptom of this disease is that after a few intercourses with a prostitute a small boil appears on the penis and very soon it takes the shape of a wound. At the first wound is very minor and if one is careless or delays the treatment, it will have the effect on the coming generations. In the first stage some boils come out on his organ. In the second stage some black spots appear on the body and copper coloured boils come out which take the shape of wounds later on. In the third stage the effects of syphilis reaches bones and develop into wounds such as lepers have. If the germs of syphilis reach brain, the patient may suffer from paralysis and at last he falls into the clutches of death. Therefore this disease should be immediately cared for and at the very outcome of the symptoms; one should rush for his treatment.